Geotesting Engineering Services provides services for small and large clients and companies, residential clients, builders, architects, engineers, and developers.
To complete a soil test we require:
- a copy of the site plan showing any existing buildings
- location of any proposed new construction
- approximate location of site services (where possible)
- an indication of ease of site access
- the name, address, phone and email details of the client and/or an onsite contact

Residential Services
- New Homes Soil Test Contacts
- Pre-purchase contracts
- New Homes
- Alterations
- Additions
- Extensions
- Renovations
- Pools & Decks
- House Raising
- Retaining Walls
- Underpinning Investigations
- Wind Ratings
- Subdivisions
Geotest Engineering Services has a specialised limited access dingo drilling rig to enable access to small difficult jobs others may not be able to reach.
Laboratory Services
NATA Accredited Laboratory Testing (in – house) for:
- Shrink Swell Testing
- Field Density & Lab Compaction Testing
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Sampling & Testing
- Moisture Profiles

Other Services
- Level 1 Certification Services
- Pavement Testing
- Soil Strength Testing / Assessment of Bearing Capacity
- Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing
- Percolation Testing
- Earthworks Testing
- Effluent Disposal Drainage Plans